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Galdr I - Invocation

Deep in ye thine eye shall see

Only what ye ask of thee.

Dare ye delve into thyself?

Truth in wealth there shall dwell.

Ask ye not what comfort wants

Ask ye thoughts of darkness fraught.

For thine path ye weave to pass,

Seven charms to thee I chant:


First I chant to thee: if

Doubt haunts thine venture,

May thine tethers break and thine

Locus clear.

Dread not the monsters

Swimming in inky tides.


Down and deep I

Delve, naked to the storm,

Down to become my own



Second I chant to thee:

Find thee a mirror

Learn ye well,  see the beast,

and gaze not in fear.

Reach to the Shadow, and

Be embraced.


Down and deep I

Delve, naked to the storm,

Down to become my own



Third I chant to thee:

Bound shall become thee,

Balance both halves and thine

Mind shall free.

Sound minds walk alone at

Peace with the silence.


Down and deep I

Delve, naked to the storm,

Down to become my own



Fourth I chant to thee:

Paths may drift thence from

Common man's wish, thus all

Lost sheep bleat.

Keep thine feet on the

Road ye curvet.


Down and deep I

Delve, naked to the storm,

Down to become my own


Fifth I chant to thee:

When thou findst a pool in the

Dark of thine dreams filled with

Tar and pain,

Bathe ye therein and

Drink new vigor.


Down and deep I

Delve, naked to the storm,

Down to become my own



Sixth I chant to thee:

Gaze not back on thine

Life at its end and dwell on

What could have been.

Bare thine teeth and

Gorge on thine hungers.


Down and deep I

Delve, naked to the storm,

Down to become my own



Last I chant to thee:

Go now unto Earth,

Forged with new sense of

Self and truth.

Guard thine thoughts, and

Keep thine purpose.


Down and deep I

Delve, naked to the storm,

Down to become my own



Deep in ye thine eye shall see

Only what ye ask of thee.

Dare ye delve into thyself?

Truth in wealth there shall dwell.

Ask ye not what comfort wants

Ask ye thoughts of darkness fraught.

For thine path ye weave to pass,

Seven charms to thee I've cast.

© 2019-2024 by Gremnir Entertainment.

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